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Short Circuit
In February 2012, at the Festival of Clermont-Ferrand, the Short Circuit – European Network of Short Film and Video Art Organisation was founded bringing together 12 largely public organizations, representing 11 European nations (Germany, Croatia, Spain, France, Italy, Ireland, Norway, Holland, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland).
Its objectives are to:
- Represent European short film organizations at the European level and favor the recognition and financial support of short films, particularly in European programs.
- Keep European short film organizations updated on domestic and European policies in relation to short films.
- Promote the proposals of European short film organizations to discover new authors and new art forms.
- Create a network among members and act as an center to exchange information and ideas.
- Provide collective responses to major issues in the sector, above all as regards the impact of new technologies and the rise of new means of diffusion.
- Foster artistic collaboration among members: the exchanges of catalogues and programs common to short films for their promotion across borders.
Agence du court métrage (Francia)
Agencia Freak (Spagna)
Belgian Short Film Agency (Belgio)
Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio (Italia)
Croatian Audiovisual Centre (Croazia)
Curtas Metragens CRL – Agencia (Portogallo)
Eye Film Instituut (Paesi Bassi)
FREAK Independent Film Agency (Spagna)
Green Ray Film Agency (Irlanda)
Interfilm (Germania)
Irish Film Board (Irlanda)
Kimuak (Spagna)
KurzfilmAgentur (Germania)
Lithuanian Shorts (Lituania)
Madrid en corto (Spagna)
Norwegian Film Institute (Noregia)
Slovenian Film Centre (Slovenia)
Swedish film institute (Svezia)
Swiss Films (Svizzera)
Wallonie Bruxelles Images (Belgio)