

breviario /bre’vjarjo/ s. m. [dal lat. breviarium, der. Di brevis “breve”]. – 1. [trattazione breve: b. di estetica] ≈ compendio, sintesi, sommario. ‖ riassunto. 2. a. (eccles.) [libro liturgico di salmi, inni e preghiere, ordinati secondo le ore del giorno] ≈ libro d’ore, ufficio (divino). b. (fig.) [testo a cui si attribuisce un valore assoluto, paradigmatico e sim.] ≈ bibbia, testo sacro, vangelo.

In english breviary [ /ˈbriːviəri/ noun – a book containing the words of the service for each day in the Roman Catholic church]. It’s an italian word coming from latin breviarium. Besides being used in a sacred sense, it means summary, short treatment, table of contents.

The size and complexity of the short format also translates into a submerged world that perhaps nobody knows in depth. We decided to create a new section of the site to share splinters of views that we experience first-hand or suggested by friends and colleagues. It is a space for reflection, discussion and divertissement.

Without precise deadlines, or a calendar, the field will be freely determined by the moment; by the suggestions of a vision or a reading, of a festival experience or a discussion with someone from the community of the short format. Short will also be the spontaneus texts, which will be divided into five categories:


Articles about short films


Five questions to directors, programmers, critics, exhibitors etc


Reflections, editorials, opinions


Articles on festivals, screenings, markets, pitches, events


Articles on books, magazines, sites, posts

We will only write about what we like, hosting contributions from colleagues with whom we routinely collaborate, compare notes and share experiences at festivals.